Episode 156: Julia Sarah Stone

Episode 156: Julia Sarah Stone

Julia Sarah Stone’s filmography is populated by wildly vulnerable characters, like Lyric on AMC’s The Killing, Eva in Geoff Redknap’s stellar “disappearing man” film, The Unseen, and Junior in Ali Liebert’s The Quieting, as well as in indie gems like Honey Bee, Allure, Weirdos, and Everything Will Be Fine. Whatever the project, Julia communicates the pain, sadness, anger, and fleeting joy of her characters with empathy and astonishing ferocity. Julia’s latest film is Come True. She plays Sarah Dunne, a teenage runaway who takes part in a sleep study that turns into a nightmarish descent into the depths of her mind. Come True is the newest offering from Canadian genre favourite, Anthony Scott Burns, who also directed Our House. In this illuminating episode of the YVR Screen Scene Podcast – an episode for people who love acting, or who seek to understand what it is that actors love about acting – Julia talks about the responsibility she feels towards the marginalized characters she plays, pursuing truth and purpose in her work, and why owls are very, very cool.

Episode 157: Praneet Akilla

Episode 157: Praneet Akilla

Episode 155: Why Sarah Surh made a film about miscarriage

Episode 155: Why Sarah Surh made a film about miscarriage