Episode Forty-Five: Rachel Langer

Episode Forty-Five: Rachel Langer

Rachel Langer is all about words – specifically, twisting and turning words like a centuries-old magician to bring characters to life and put them through the ringer. Rachel is a Leo Award winning screenwriter whose growing list of credits includes episodic fare like This Life, Ghost Wars, The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco, and The Order, as well as short films directed by her partner in life and creativity, Derek Langer. Her storytelling crosses genres and platforms, and wherever she happens to be writing, she infuses the characters with undeniable energy and nuance and flaws. In other words, Rachel Langer writes must-see TV.

Rachel has leveraged her position in the film and television community to draw attention to the pain and stigma of endometriosis. Rachel first opened up about her long health battle in a widely circulated essay entitled “3 Surgeries, Fiery Pain, Dismissive Docs: My Life With Endometriosis” that ran in Chatelaine and Medium. By choosing to talk about it, Rachel is quite literally saving lives – while also changing the culture in writers’ rooms and on screen.

In this riveting and often funny episode of the YVR Screen Scene Podcast, Rachel speaks about storytelling, writers’ rooms, Transplant, her weirdest Google searches, and the ways in which Canada is afraid of risk.

Andrea Stefancikova finds herself in ‘Promiseland’

Andrea Stefancikova finds herself in ‘Promiseland’

Special Episode: Luvia Petersen and Jessie Robertson

Special Episode: Luvia Petersen and Jessie Robertson